Our first release, a Golden Ale, has been very well received.
The concept was to make an easy to drink session beer void of all the usual complexities of a super hoppy flavoured beer.
It pours a clear golden colour with a nice malty backbone and a surprising body. A full flavoured drink that hits the middle of the tongue with a strong finish of buttery crushed mojito lime.
It’s a wonderful match to any food but it really shines when paired with a spicy meal.
Has a balanced caramel malt character ending with an aftertaste of tropical fruit flavours making it a real thirst quencher- It’s like Summer in a bottle…
We dry hopped this baby for a big flavour and aroma.
It has just enough bitterness to get your attention and finishes with a crisp end note.

We are working on the recipe for our next creation, an IPA.
We’re aiming for a similar ABV, but that is subject to change!
It’s going to be tasty….